Valuable Tips in Buying New Construction Homes

by Akia Shaw

Looking at purchasing a home? The initial decision you have to make is to choose between a preowned home or building a brand-new one. To get your checklist all checked off, going for a new construction home can be your best bet. It can offer you the best of what you envision for your dream home. 


But as exciting as it may sound, this can be an overwhelming process especially if you are a first-time home buyer. Here are comprehensive tips to give you the best experience in buying a new construction home. 


  • Hire agents experienced in new construction homes - Like any other kind of home buying venture, hiring an expert is the first-and-foremost step in buying a new construction home. Real estate agents will give you the right information, proper guidance, and recommendations to ensure that you will get exactly what you want for your home. 


  • Find the right lender - After setting your budget, it’s time for you to find the right lender. More often than not, developers will ask you to get pre-approval from their preferred lender which is fine. But these lenders may not be the best for you. Make sure to do your due diligence in shopping for lenders before making a decision. 


  • Negotiate - New construction homes are typically more expensive than listed homes. So how can you save money during the building process? Negotiate. Before discussing with your builder, speak first to your agent. Make sure he/she knows your financial standpoint and where you want to save money. Having a plan in mind before talking to your developer will give you a better edge in the negotiation process.


  • Get it in writing - To ensure that you’re getting everything that you and your team have agreed on, keeping them in writing is something that you should always take into account. Avoid verbal negotiations for these are not binding, and they will not give you the security like written agreements do. 


  • Get the home inspected - Don’t skip the inspection process just because your home is new or just because you’re dealing with the best contractor in town. Mistakes are still very much possible so it’s highly recommended to have your home inspected throughout the building process. Remember, this will be your forever home. A home inspection will give you the comfort and satisfaction of knowing your home has met and passed certain expectations and safety regulations. 


New construction homes don't always offer the same convenience as buying a preowned home. But the time and energy you spent in building a brand new home will absolutely reward you with the “perfect home” that you’ve always dreamed of. 

